Wednesday, June 15, 2011

This is a crazy blonde joke !!


I read it somewhere and thought it was insane enough to start this blog :

A blonde goes into a nearby store and asks a clerk if she can buy the TV in the corner.

The clerk looks at her and says that he doesn't serve blondes, so she goes back home and dyes her hair black.

The next day she returns to the store and asks the same thing, and again, the clerk said he doesn't serve blondes.

Frustrated, the blonde goes home and dyes her hair yet again, to a shade of red.

Sure that a clerk would sell her the TV this time, she returns and asks a different clerk this time.

To her astonishment, this clerk also says that she doesn't serve blondes.

The blonde asks the clerk, "How in the world do you know I am a blonde?"

The clerk looks at her disgustedly and says,"That's not a TV -- it's a microwave!"

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Insanely comic

There is something utterly insane about most things that are utterly comic in nature. I keep coming across hell lot of such insane things all around me which makes me go mad laughing about. My blog deals with just that. Look for more in this space very soon. Hope we will be dealing with loads of insanely comic things !!